Share photos to Flickr groups faster

Showcasing your creativity made easy with Skedr. So you can spend more time doing the things you love.

Groups view for Skedr. List of joined groups and tag cloud of configured tags.

The Basics

How to use Skedr?

Share your images, be that photos or digital art, to Flick groups by adding tags and then Skedr does the resharing for you solving any group restriction limits. Three easy steps:

Use tags.
Link your images and groups through tags. A tag must be a keyword or meaningful word describing that group.
Sync an image.
Share that image to all groups through all of the tags you have linked with that image.
Built-in reshare.
Each dismissed image is scheduled for resharing automatically; this way you will reach more Flickr fans.
Customer profile user interface

About us

Our mission

We're here to help photographers and digital artists reach as many Flickr fans as possible. Skedr lets you skip the sharing part inside Flickr and go directly to engage with groups. So you can spend more time doing the things you love.

Anyone can use Skedr. In just a few easy clicks you're sharing your work with the Flickr world. Sharing is caring right? We give back not just through our time saving tech but in the culture of our business.

We are a neat tech service built and run by actual humans. We are committed to our Skedr community so dedicate our time and energy to answering any queries you may have as fast as humanly possible! We're also keen to celebrate your work so find out how you can be featured in the Skedr blog here .

Time saved
3 years
Shared images
Rescheduled images

Skedr can handle 80 to 90% of my work, considerably reducing my posting time.

Carsten Skodell
Carsten Skodell
554 photos

I like Skedr more than anything because it is easy to use and fast, something that in Flickr costs more to do.

5915 photos

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Save time with a new group sharing tool experience,
made by users for users.